Research : Finance
“The Market for Financial Advice: An Audit Study,” with Markus Noth & Antoinette Schoar June 2010, NBER Working Papers 17929, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
“Profitable Investments or Dissipated Cash? Evidence on the Investment-Cash Flow Relationship from Oil and Gas Lease Bidding,” with Marianne Bertrand, 2005, NBER Working Papers 11126, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
“Persuasion in Finance,” with Andrei Shleifer, 2005, NBER Working Papers 11838, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
“Executive Compensation and Incentives: The Impact of Takeover Legislation,” with Marianne Bertrand, 1998, NBER Working Papers 6830, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
“Debt Traps? Market Vendors and Moneylender Debt in India and the Philippines,” with Dean Karlan and Benjamin N. Roth (2018), forthcoming American Economic Review: Insights. (Also National Bureau of Economic Research working paper 24272).
“Scarcity Frames Value,” with Anuj Shah and Eldar Shafir, Psychological Science. April 2015, 26 (4): 402-412.
“Rigidity in Microfinancing: Can One Size Fit All?” with Dean Karlan, QFinance (June 2010).
“What’s Advertising Content Worth? Evidence from a Consumer Credit Marketing Field Experiment,” with Marianne Bertrand, Dean Karlan, Eldar Shafir, & Jonathan Zinman, 2010. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 125, No. 1: 263–305.
“Why Don’t People Insure Late-Life Consumption? A Framing Explanation of the Under- Annuitization Puzzle,” with Jeffrey Robert Brown, Jeffrey R. Kling, & Marion V. Wrobel, American Economic Review, 98 (2), 2008: 304-09.
“Coarse Thinking and Persuasion,” with Joshua Schwartztein & Andrei Shleifer, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 123( 2) 2008: 577-619.
“Pyramids,” with Marianne Bertrand, Journal of the European Economic Association, 1(2-3), April/May 2003: 478-83. (Non-refereed)
“Enjoying the Quiet Life? Corporate Governance and Managerial Preferences,” with Marianne Bertrand, Journal of Political Economy, 111(5), October 2003: 1043-1075.
“Ferreting Out Tunneling: An Application to Indian Business Groups,” with Marianne Bertrand & Paras Mehta, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 117(1), February 2002: 121-48.
“Are CEOs Rewarded for Luck? The Ones Without Principals Are,” with Marianne Bertrand, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 116(3), August 2001: 901-32. (Longer version available as “Do CEOs Set Their Own Pay? The Ones Without Principals Do,” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper #7604).
“Do Firm Boundaries Matter?” with David Scharfstein, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 91(2), May 2001: 195-199. (Non-refereed)
“Agents With and Without Principals,” with Marianne Bertrand, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 90(2), May 2000: 203-208.
“Is there Discretion in Wage Setting?” with Marianne Bertrand, Rand Journal of Economics, 30(3), Autumn 1999: 535-554.
“Does Less Market Entry Regulation Generate More Entrepreneurs? Evidence from a Regulatory Reform in Peru,” with Philipp Schnabl in International Differences in Entrepreneurship, eds. Josh Lerner & Antoinette Schoar, The University of Chicago Press, 2010: 159-179.
“Savings Policy and Decision Making in Low Income Households,” with Eldar Shafir in Insufficient Funds: Savings, Assets, Credit and Banking Among Low-Income Households, eds. Michael Barr & Rebecca Blank, Russell Sage Foundation Press, 2009: pp. 121-145.
“The Case for Behaviorally Informed Regulation,” with Michael S. Barr & Eldar Shafir in New Perspectives on Regulation , eds. David Moss & John Cisternino, The Tobin Project, Cambridge, MA, 2009, 25-62.
“Behaviorally Informed Home Mortgage Credit Regulation,’ with Michael S. Barr & Eldar Shafir, in Borrowing to Live Consumer and Mortgage Credit Revised, eds. Nicolas P. Retsinas & Eric S. Belsky, Brookings Institution Press, Washington D.C., 2008: 170-203.
“Spotting Bubbles on the Rise,” Harvard Business Review (2010) Volume: 88, Issue: 3, 41- 57.
“Take-up: Why Microfinance Take-up Rates Are Low & Why It Matters,” with Dean Karlan, Jonathan Morduch, Financial Access Initiative framing note, June 2010.
“Psychology and Economics: What it Means for Microfinance,” with Sudha Krishnan, Financial Access Initiative framing note, April 2008.
“An Opt-Out Home Mortgage System,” with Michael S. Barr, & Eldar Shafir, Hamilton Project Discussion Paper 2008-14, The Brookings Institution.
“Behaviorally Informed Financial Services Regulation,” with Michael S. Barr & Eldar Shafir, 2008, New America Foundation White Paper.
“Is Microfinance Too Rigid?” with Dean Karlan, Financial Access Initiative framing note, December 2007.
“Microentrepreneurs and Their Money: Three Anomalies,” with Bindu Ananth & Dean Karlan, Financial Access Initiative framing note, August 2007.
“Market Efficiency Versus Behavioral Finance,” with Bruce Stangle, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 17(3), 2005: 124-136.